Media Interview
I have been featured in 16 newspaper interviews, eight magazine interviews, and six interviews in the public media between 2016 to 2021
How does the university's "ivory tower" scientific research can put into practice? (大學「象牙塔」科研如何落地? )
(Business Management Enlightenment of Hong Kong Economic Journal on 2 November 2021)
The current educational situations of Hong Kong (3): Education for non-Chinese students, the most difficult lesson - Can't find the suitable person, teachers are exhausted, lonely and helpless, the inclusive policy is not one size fits all (香港教育現狀 3:非華語教育,最難的一課 - 要人無人 老師做到空虛又寂寞又凍 共融學習政策何以一刀切? )
(Cover story of Ming Pao Weekly on 29 January 2021)
The current educational situations of Hong Kong (3): Education for non-Chinese students, the most difficult lesson - Ho did ten students change a school? We prepare for our own teaching materials (香港教育現狀 3:非華語教育,最難的一課 - 十個學生如何改變一間學校?自己教材自己預備)
(Cover story of Ming Pao Weekly on 29 January 2021)
Chinese language learning of non-Chinese speaking students (第二語言學生學習中文)
(Interviewed by Principal Chung and Ms. Fung of Caritas Wu Chung Chun Secondary School on 8 January 2021)
I want to learn Chinese language (我要學中文)
(Interviewed by the Multi-faceted View of Current Affairs [時事多面睇] of TVB News Department on 31 December 2020)
Supporting Ethnic Minority Students Learning Mathematics through Chinese Language: Video 1
(Interviewed by a project sponsored by the Quality Education Fund)
Supporting Ethnic Minority Students Learning Mathematics through Chinese Language: Video 2
(Interviewed by a project sponsored by the Quality Education Fund)
Newly developed Chinese language teaching materials for ethic minority kindergartners boost four times of their learning outcomes (研發少數族裔中文教材 幼兒學習成效高4倍)
(Interviewed by Independent Media Hong Kong on 22 December 2016)